Ed Cross, Director
Edward Cross serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Illinois Oil & Gas Association (IOGA) where he responsible for public policy advocacy and interaction with external stakeholders including elected officials, regulators, government decision-makers, and community leaders. Cross began this position January 1, 2025. Previously, Cross served as President and COO of the Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association (KIOGA) since September 2003. During his 21-year tenure at KIOGA, Cross played a pivotal role in advancing the interests of independent oil and gas producers in Kansas and nationally.
Cross serves as an executive board member to the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance (DEPA) and a board member of the Council for a Secure America (CSA). He is an active member of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and serves as an advisory committee member to the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC).
Cross also serves as Secretary/Treasurer of the Liaison Committee of Cooperating Oil and Gas Associations, a network of state and regional trade associations that represent the independent oil and gas exploration and production industry in the U.S. where he is responsible for coordinating the organization’s efforts.
Cross was a Kansas appointed Associate Representative to the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC). The IOGCC is a national organization representing the Governors of 37 oil and gas producing states. At IOGCC, Cross has served as Chair of the Public Outreach Committee and a member of the Resolutions Committee, two of eight standing IOGCC committees.
In November 2023 Cross was named “2023 Top Lobbyist” by the National Institute for Lobbying & Ethics. In November 2018, Cross was named a finalist for the 2018 Petroleum Economist magazine energy executive of the year award. In April 2015, Cross was recognized for his national leadership by being honored with the Distinguished Leadership Award from the National Stripper Well Association. In January 2013, Cross was named by Ingram’s, a Kansas City business magazine, as one of the “50 Kansans You Should Know”.
Cross has published 8 peer-reviewed papers on economic, environmental, and energy policy issues facing the independent oil and gas industry. He has authored nearly 100 editorials on energy issues and has made over 100 testimonial presentations to Legislatures, government agencies, and professional groups including testifying before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and the U.S. House Small Business Committee. He is a licensed professional geologist and holds a B.S. in Geology and an M.B.A. from Southern Illinois University.